My first image is a ink print I made. The process of making an ink print begins by printing out a photo and using an etching tool to trace the design into a sheet of plastic. After the design is etched, black, or colored ink is pressed into the grooves using a rubber scraper. Finally, a piece of paper is laid over the plastic sheet and rolled through a press to transfer the ink onto the paper. In my piece, I repeated this process, and layered a red and black print on top of each other. My next picture is my photography...sort of. I went into Boston, and took pictures with my film camera of my friend and of the city. My plan is to get the film developed, and create prints with ink prints layered on top. My last picture is of an embroidery project I started. Using a technique called "couching", I was able to create a thick stem with yarn and string wrapped around. I traced a pattern onto the fabric and used a technique called "backstitching" to create a braided affect. I hope to incorporate my embroidery into my photography by possibly embroidering the paper my pictures are printed on. My idea spawned from a passion of photography, and edgy streetwear. I realized I could capture the same mood by using colored film, and scanning it to get a grainy, vintage look. My goals moving forward, are to create prints with my film, start running them through the press with my ink prints, and possibly incorporating my embroidery onto the photos.